Wednesday, February 13, 2008

New Focus

I had a new focus today. After spending the last few days unable to work out due to hurting my back, I finally made it into the rec center. I did ten laps in the pool. That didn't cause me any pain in the back.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

New Outlook

It has been nearly one month since I started my work out regimen. I had started by getting up at 0530 hours. But that was not much fun. The last few days I have been getting up at 0700. I have to say that walking out of the rec center at 0800 felt good. I felt like I got a lot accomplished. I felt like I had a lot of day to use.

But getting to the rec center around 0730 and getting out of there around 0900 makes me feel like I am wasting part of my day. That is a good feeling. It may help me make a permanent change to being a morning person again. But I find that when I am on call for the fire department, I am always worried about getting calls and not being able to wake up early like I would like to do.

I am going to renew my energy to getting up early in the morning again and getting my workout done at the earlier time.

I have come to the conclusion that four pounds a week is not a bad amount of wight to lose a week. If I could keep that up, that would be great.

In some ways I feel like it would be nice to do additional workouts each day in the hopes of losing more weight every week. I don't think I will be moving to that level yet.