Thursday, January 10, 2008

Cardio Day Two

Today I worked my second cardio workout. I did the elliptical machine again. Another twenty minutes. I noticed that I has having some minor discomfort in my right buttock area. It wasn't enough that would stop me from going, but enough that was annoying.

I upped the workout by a notch. Instead of topping out at thirteen on my peaks, I went to fourteen. I hit three peaks along the way. I was looking at the schedule, and I have a lot more road in front of me than behind me so far.

In our world of now, now, now; quick turn arounds; and instant gratification, it is hard to think slow. Think short term and long term. I want to have improvement after one work out. I want to lose all sort of weight in one day. I want to be able to hold my breath underwater for a minute.

This is something that I am going to have to work on. I have to allow my mindset to change. This is a life long process, not like buying a car or a computer. I have to work on this day after day. Really there probably is no real "end" to this, only short term, medium term, long term, and maybe extended long term goals. By this I mean that I might reach a long term goal of my target weight.

But will I be done? I don't think so. Then I will want to get more toned. Add more muscle, etc. There is not real end point. Just some longer term goals.

But for now, I have to look short term. I have a dream of what I would like. I also need to realize that I have to step through all the hoops, through all the short term goals in order to make my long term goals come true.

Once I was done with the cardio workout I went to the pool. I spend some of the time working on holding my breath longer, swimming under ground longer, treading water, and doing more laps. My first lap was one minute flat. That was great. Then later on my laps were closed to one minute and twenty seconds or more. Nothing more than one minute and forty seconds. I spent thirty minutes in the pool and about five minutes in the hot tub before calling it a day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on deciding to change your lifestyle. Also, it's a great idea to journal your progress. That's what I did and the motivation seems much higher. Funny thing is I created a site called doing the same type of thing. Check it out and keep up the good work.