Monday, January 14, 2008

Start of Week 2

It felt like it has been forever since I last worked out. That is because it has been more than forty-eight hours. But really it was one day -- Sunday. I did my cardio on Saturday. Sunday is a free day.

I made sure that I didn't ruin a week worth of work with one day of splurging. I was very good. I kept to my calories. I just didn't physically do a work out. Also some of the calories came from sources like some M&Ms as well as some homemade bread and a tiny sliver of cake. I still ate sensibly through out the day.

While I was at the store today I saw Oreo's and M&Ms. I think those are my two biggest downfalls. That and Peanut Butter Cups. My mom has M&Ms within reach. But I am going to be good. I think my will power right now is high. I just remind myself what I am doing. Why I am doing it. And that if I really want one, I can have one on Sunday. If I have one today, Sunday will not be so special. So I am just working to keep that mentality.

I quit chewing after my surgery. I had my last can and just stopped. The first week it was bad. Not that I was having physical problems. Just that during certain times of the day or certain activities I have a dip. I wanted one bad. A couple times I was almost willing to drive to the store to get one. But I would remind myself why I quit. That has worked so far. I would like to keep this idea with some of the sweets I love so much.

I phoned Scott from East Highlands Fitness. He made me a deal because I was only going to be working out a couple times a month at most. I went in when I got done working and quickly found the machines that I needed to use to complete my workout.

I still think I am in the phase where I am working into doing a hard workout. A couple of the sets were tough. But for the most part it went along the middle of the road as far the ease of the workout.

Today was the first time I was really able to get through the exercises during the high intensity without a break. There are times you are supposed to move from one place to the next with no rest. At the rec center I need the time to get from machine to machine due to the placement in the facility.

My other real concern is just being over here in Renton. It is hard to stay on the diet here trying to eat correctly when going out with the guys at lunch and eat at home are the options I feel I need to do. I guess that more times than not the guys get food then eat here. I could go along with them for the ride, but once here fix my own stuff. That would be really helpful.

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