Monday, January 21, 2008

I shouldn't have

I probably shouldn't have weighed myself today. I was underwhelmed by my progress. I should have stayed happy with feeling better. With having my turnout coat fit better. But I found my weight only dropped nine pounds. I guess that is not too bad, four and a half pounds a week, but I was expecting more in the first couple weeks.

I did my arm workout. I also found out that the bar I thought was fourty-five pounds is really only fifteen. So I thought I was doing pretty well with the weight, but instead I am weaker than I thought. I know it takes time. It took a long time to get where I am today, so I can see it taking a long time to get to a better weight.

I was thinking that I should write down some of the reasons why I want to do this. What I am hoping to accomplish. Why do I think this is important. I need to reflect on those things daily. Refresh my memory. Think about it very carefully to understand the importance of not failing to reach my first milestone, which is to complete this twelve week program.

Today is the start of week number three. I have to say I am happy that my hunger has not been a problem. I have felt hungry, but only because I wasn't eating when I should be.

I think going to Seattle hurt me a lot as well. I think that most of my loss came during the first week and in the second week I maintained.

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