Monday, January 7, 2008

First Workout

I decided to make my first workout start at six o'clock this morning. I had to get up in the wee hours. I had breakfast then it was off to the rec center. Today was the upper body. One thing I found that is hard is not having a spotter. Someone who can help me on the final lift or two, to make it up. Now, if I am unable to finish a lift, I just can't finish it.

It felt okay to get up this morning early. I knew I would be tired because I didn't get a lot of sleep the night before, and last night I went to be late. It was snowing and headlights were still needed as I headed out to the rec center.

I got there and walked around it once looking at the equipment, trying to find the one I wanted to use. I found a bench press station that is hooked onto rails. When you start to do the lift you twist the bar outward and it unhook it. The only problem with such a system is the small muscles that would normally have to work to stabilize the bar as you do the lift are not used.

The work out started. I put two forty-five pound weights on the bar. I felt sort of weak. But I also didn't really worry about those who sometimes seem to lift to show, rather than trying to work out. Maybe those people don't exists. I surely hope I don't turn into one. But I quietly went through my workout. I didn't push myself as hard as I probably could have. I was a little afraid of looking like more of a weakling when I couldn't do as many lifts as one would think I could do.

I guess that is one thing I am excited about seeing change. I want to see my ability to lift heavier weights. To be able to do more reps. To have more intensity. I think the one thing I need to work on is really pushing myself. But as it was I was already getting sore. In someways I was hoping to work into the work outs rather than killing myself on my first day and not wanting to go back.

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