Friday, January 11, 2008

Upper Body Day 2

My pecks and triceps had been very sore since Monday when I did my first upper body workout. The pain was really bad Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday I could feel the muscles but the pain was very limited. Today they felt okay.

Now it is time to do another upper body workout. I know from past experience that the pain from the first workouts don't last forever and I don't expect the same problems after today's workout.

It has been a full work week of getting up at around five-thirty in the morning. This is about four hours earlier than normal for me. I tend to go to bed in the wee hours of the morning and get up late. But that is something that needs to change. I just know if I go back to my old schedule that I will not get to do my workouts. I will find something else to do.

My only issue is finding the time in the day to fix my meals, do my normal work, workout, and everything else. I find that I want to get to bed by ten o'clock PM. But because of various things I am getting to bed later than I would like. I think the biggest thing that could cause me failure is just getting to the point where I am exhausted and I cannot keep going with my lack of sleep. One thought was to nap when I got back from the workout. I might need to do that.

So when I was at the rec center today I worked through my five areas that needed to be done today, including shoulders, chest, biceps, triceps, and back. I chose the exercises that I was going to do list night. I also chose the weights I would life based off of my last workout. I found in some areas I was not able to do as much as I did last week.

But that is because I changed up the order of the body parts so each one would have its own chance to start first. From my understanding, the first set of any overall workout is the one that actually does the most to help the body. Therefore changing what you start with each time would help you be more balanced.

Following that it was off to the swimming pool. I swam a lap, but my arms were deadish. Not horrible gone, but not fully rested either. I spent time working on swimming while holding my breath. I made it farther once today than I had before. But most of the other times it was the same as yesterday. I was stoked because I was able to hold my breath for thirty-one and thirty seconds. Those are my best this week.

I hope that as I go there each week I will see improvement in the distance I can swim without breathing. Also I hope to see my breath holding ability to last longer.

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